IT Support Services

Off-Target Effects Screening Panel

Safety Pharmacology guidelines stipulate the necessity of considering off-target effects of drugs. However, clear directives on what to test, when to test, and how to test remain elusive. LeadQuest Biotech addresses this challenge by leveraging expertise from industry leaders like Eurofins and pharmaceutical giants such as Roche and Abbvie.


Introducing SafetyOneTM 44 and SafetyMaxTM 90 target safety panels, our Off-target Effects Screening Panel helps you identify potential risks early in drug development. By referencing established screening methodologies like SAFETYscan 47 and SafetyScreen87, as well as proprietary BioPrint® Panel132, we offer a robust solution to optimize lead compounds.


Key Advantages of Our Screening Panel

Function-based screening focuses on final functionality, minimizing false positives and false negatives inherent in binding assays.


Simultaneous assessment of agonistic and inhibitory effects provides comprehensive insights into off-target effects, enhancing safety assessment accuracy.